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8 AI Tools + 2 Smart Platforms to Supercharge Your Research

As a researcher, I create new knowledge or use existing knowledge in new ways. I work closely with other researchers, and more are using AI now. Some use it well, while others don't. It's important to think carefully about how we use AI. Just because we can do something with AI doesn't always mean we should.

Anyway, I was talking about useful AI tools, innovative software and platforms in general. There are so many excellent tools out there these days that it's hard to know which ones to use.…

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Create an Elevator Pitch for your research | Get crystal clear clarity and more opportunities

Imagine you are getting into an elevator and someone asks you "what is our research all about", you need to describe what it is and why it is important before the elevator reaches its destination and the two of you part ways. By the time you exit the elevator, the other person should know exactly what problem your research is addressing, what it is that you are researching and why it is important.

But why would we care about putting an elevator pitch together? Firstly, formulating your elevator…

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Images and your research project: an all-in-one how-to guide

Doing a masters or doctoral project teaches one not only about research but also about all other types of skills, such as preparing your images so you can add them to your thesis, dissertation or publication. These four videos will give you some guidance when it comes to combining multiple images into one, de-identifying the model in an image, creating an image out of anything and removing the background of an image.

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Outlook Calendar Tips & Tricks

Outlook Calendar has so much potential! In this blog post, referring to three videos, I highlight the most valuable tips and tricks to boost your productivity when using Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Calendar.

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6 ways to use concept mapping in your research

A concept map is a great way to present all the moving parts in your research project. I recommend using this technique when you start thinking about your new research topic all the way through to the end product, and once you submitted your thesis, dissertation or research article, you can use this technique to plan your next project.

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